Speaker: Camelia C. Knapp, Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University

Subject: Potential Carbon Storage Resources in the Southeast Georgia Embayment and the Anadarko Basin


The Southeast Offshore Storage Resource Assessment (SOSRA) and the Southeast Regional CO2 Utilization and Storage Acceleration Partnership (SECARB-USA) research projects were funded by the U.S. Department of Energy with a focus on the development of offshore and onshore prospective storage resources for CO2. This work includes a replicable workflow of model-based inversion that provides the tools to discriminate lithology and predict porosity and permeability necessary for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in geologic reservoirs. These analyses have included integration of seismic surveys with core samples and geophysical well logs leading to a detailed stratigraphic, structural, petrophysical, and injection simulation model showing the heterogeneity and highly complex tectonic evolution of target reservoirs of the South Atlantic Margin and the Anadarko Basin.

In the Upper Cretaceous strata of the offshore Atlantic study area, the CO2 storage capacity is approximately 32 GT, regionally. The storage capacity for the two identified significant reservoirs in the Southeast Georgia Embayment (SGE) is ~8.8 GT of that amount. There are three target reservoirs within the Lower Cretaceous strata based on geophysical and well log analysis. The calculated storage capacity is 746 Gt of CO2 at P50 that could be stored securely. The total average thickness of the potential reservoirs is 1,425 ft. In addition, there are three identified potential reservoirs separated by four seals within the Upper Jurassic strata in the Southeast Georgia Embayment. The Upper Jurassic section is bound at the bottom by the Triassic post-rift unconformity. A total of ~46 Gt of CO2 storage capacity within a 4,300 sq mi area is estimated for the Upper Jurassic strata within the SGE.

The highly heterogeneous Cleveland and Skinner formations of the Anadarko basin provide an estimate of 7.6 to 26.6 Mt of CO2 storage potential.


Dr. Camelia Knapp is a Professor of Geophysics and serves as the V. Brown Monnett Chair of Petroleum Geology and Head of the Boone Pickens School of Geology at Oklahoma State University (OSU). She received a Ph.D. in Geophysics from Cornell University and a B.S. degree in Geophysical Engineering from the University of Bucharest, Romania. She was also a Fulbright fellow at Cornell University. In the early years, she worked with the Romanian State Oil Company and the Romanian National Institute for Earth Physics. She spent 18 years at the University of South Carolina where she was a Professor and the Director of the Earth Sciences and Resources Institute. Dr. Knappā€™s research interests include: (1) the application of seismology to the structure, composition, and physical properties of the Earth, (2) environmental and hydro-geophysics, (3) gas hydrates, and (4) carbon sequestration. She has served on national and international committees and scientific panels including the U. S. National Science Foundation and has advised many PhD and MS students most of whom having entered the oil and gas industry. Dr. Knapp is married to Dr. James Knapp, a Professor and the Boone Pickens Distinguished Chair of Geoscience in the Boone Pickens School of Geology at Oklahoma State University. They have two young daughters who enjoy the outdoors and their Junior Ranger status for many national parks in the U.S.