Constitution & By-laws

of the


Wichita Falls, Texas



1.1 The name of this society is the North Texas Geological Society.


2.1 The object of this society is the increase of geological knowledge, especially of North Texas and adjacent regions, and the promotion of fellowship and professional cooperation among geologists and geological workers resident therein. It shall be a non-profit organization.


3.1 MEMBER – Any person in the geological profession who is either a member of the A.A.P.G., or is eligible for any class of membership in the A.A.P.G., or is eligible for membership in the society. Only members may hold office (except secretary), and vote in affairs of the Society.

3.2 ASSOCIATE MEMBER – Any person connected with the geological profession or interested in the geological sciences is eligible for Associate Membership.

3.3 MEMBER APPLICATION – The Executive Committee shall accept or reject applications for membership in this Society.

3.4 HONARY MEMBERSHIP – The Board of Directors may elect, by unanimous vote, as honorary members of the North Texas Geological Society, present or past members who have contributed distinguished services to this Society, or the science of geology. Honorary membership shall be for life and shall not require the payment of dues. Honorary members shall enjoy all the privileges of members. No more than one name shall be presented to the Board for election as an honorary member during one calendar year.


4.1 NAME – The officers of this Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Together, these officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Society.

4.2 DUTIES OF OFFICERS – PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at meetings of the Society. He shall appoint all committees except such as are otherwise provided for; and jointly with the Secretary shall sign all written contracts and obligations of the Society.

4.3 VICE- PRESIDENT – The Vice – President shall be the Chairman of the Program Committee. In the absence of the President his duties shall be performed by the Vice – President.

4.4 SECRETARY – The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society. He shall also act as secretary of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors and shall keep a record of their proceedings. He shall mail advance notice of the meetings to all members. He shall, with the assistance of such committees appointed by the Board, attend to the Publication of such geological literature as ordered by the Society. He shall act as custodian of all property of the Society, except such property in the custody of the Treasurer. In the event the secretary is of any other class of membership than “MEMBER”, that person shall not be allowed to act as a voting member of the Executive Committee.

4.5 TREASURER – The Treasurer, under the direction of the Board, shall collect and disburse all funds. He shall keep records of all his receipts ad disbursements, and shall, at the request of the Board, be ready to exhibit his books for examination. He shall submit a semi-annual report at the regular meeting in October and an annual report at the annual meeting in May. This report will be written and will consist of the complete record of his receipts and disbursements and all other financial transactions to the Board for its examination and will become a part of the permanent file of this Society. A summary of this report will form a part of the report of the Executive Committee.

4.6 ELECTION – Officers of the Society may be elected by secret mail ballot prior to the annual meeting. For each office, the person receiving a simple majority of ballots from the voting members shall be declared elected. The persons so chosen shall assume their duties upon installation. Officers may also be elected at the annual meeting provided that there is not more than one candidate for each office. Should any elected officer resign during his term of office, his successor will be selected by the Board of Directors, subject to approval by the Society at the next meeting, and he will serve in office until the next election.

4.7 TERM OF OFFICE – The officers shall be elected annually by ballot and shall hold office from the time of their installation at the annual meeting until the next annual meeting.


5.1 MEMBERS – The Board of Directors of this Society shall consist of the Executive Committee, the immediate past President, past Secretary, past Treasurer, two members to be elected from among the Society at large, the representative to the Southwestern Section of AAPG, and the delegate to the AAPG House of Delegates (both must be AAPG members.)

5.2 TERM – The BOARD MEMBERS – The Board members shall be elected from the Society at large and shall hold office for one year.

5.3 CHAIRMAN – Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be the President of the Society

5.4 DUTIES – The Board of Directors shall constitute the governing body of the North Texas Geological Society. It shall authorize various committees, other than those permanent committees established by this constitution, as needed, which committees shall be appointed by the President of the Society. Only the Board of Directors shall have power to fill vacancies.


6.1 DISPOSITION OF ASSETS – In the event of dissolution of this Society, the assets, of said Society shall be disposed of as follows:

Upon expiration of dissolution of the North Texas Geological Society, the Board of Directors of the Executive Committee shall terminate the affairs of said Society and in addition shall:

(a) Pay all outstanding debts of the Society.

(b) Reduce the remaining assets if any, to cash, and give equal portion to the Geological Department of Midwestern University, if such be in existence, for the maintenance and expansion of a geological library, and to the Research Fund of the A.A.P.G.


7.1 NOMINATION COMMITTEE – The Nominating Committee shall consist of three active members to be selected by the Executive Committee at least four weeks before the annual meeting for election of new officers. Of these three active members, not more than one shall have served on the Nominating Committee the preceding year. Duties of the Nominating Committee shall consist of the following:

1. Present in nomination for each of the offices of the Society the names of members, before May 1st.

2. Ascertain the availability of members to serve in elected offices.

3. With the Secretary, conducting the balloting, if necessary.
4. Presidential Rotation:
4.1 When the current President serves their term, the President immediately becomes one of the directors for one year during the “past president” term. The following April during the “past presidents” term, the past president’s duty is then the Nomination Committee Chairman for the election of the new officers.

7.2 NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE – The Nomenclature Committee s hall consist of four active members to be elected by the Executive Committee.

Duties of the Nomenclature Committee shall consist of the following:

1. Recommend geological nomenclature for adoption by the society.

2. Recommend geological studies and research projects to be undertaken by the society.

3. Maintain supervision of such studies and projects as are approved by the Executive Committee.

4. Work in conjunction with various field trip committees in preparation of the field data and guide books.

7.3 PROGRAM COMMITTEE – The Program Committee shall consist of the Vice-President and two members selected by the President. The shall assist the Secretary in notifying the members of meetings and programs.


8.1 These by-laws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the members present at any meeting of the Society of which due notice has been given at least two weeks previously by mail.

8.2 These Articles may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the members present at an annual meeting, or at a special meeting called for this purpose, provided that notice of the proposed meeting and amendments has been made at least two weeks previously.



1.1 Meetings of the North Texas Geological Society shall be of four classes

1.11 Regular Luncheon

(a)* Held on 3rd Thursday of each month at noon, except during summer months of June, July and August, at a place selected by the Program Committee with the approval of Executive Committee.

(b)* First regular meeting to convene on 3rd Thursday in September

(c) Installation of Officers shall be held on 3rd Thursday in May.

*(Optional – to be moved by Executive Committee to another time and meeting place.)

1.12 Special Meetings

Held at such times and places and for such purposes as the Executive Committee deems necessary and to be announced by the President of the Society.

1.13 Business Meetings

Held as often as necessary and called by President with approval of executive Committee.

1.14 Annual Meeting

Shall be held on the 3rd Thursday in May at a place and time designated by the President.

1.2 Order of Meeting

1.21 Regular and special meetings shall be as considered expedient by the presiding officer.

1.22 Annual Meetings.

(a) Call to order by the Presiding Officer.

(b) Reports of the Executive Committee, the President, and Standing Committees. Standing Committee Reports may be consolidated with the report of the President.

(c) Old or unfinished business.

(d) New business.

(e) Nomination and election of officers.

(f) Program (optional)

(g) Adjournment.


2.1 Amount of DUES – Dues shall be $25.00 per year per member and per associate member, and shall remain at this figure until changed, in accordance with the provision of Change in Amount of Dues.

2.2 Dues shall be payable as of July 1st and delinquent if not paid by the following August 31st.

2.3 Dues shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Society.

2.4 CHANGE IN AMOUNT OF DUES – The amount of dues may be changes as follows: The Board of Directors may recommend a proposed change to the Society. This recommendation shall be announced, along with the list of candidates for office mailed to each member.


3.1 The Society shall reimburse its authors, speakers and representatives for expenses incurred in the preparation and presentation of technical papers to it or in its behalf, subject to the following limitations and conditions.

3.2 Actual expenses incurred for the preparation of the paper and illustrations for publication only will be reimbursed to a maximum of $25.00 per page. For oral presentation, reimbursement of expenses will not exceed $75.00. Actual expenses for travel, lodging, meals, and conferences registration will be covered, but total reimbursement is not to exceed $150.00 per presentation. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to designate the Society’s representative for the presentation of technical